top story 08

By contrast, in 1974, President Richard Nixon resigned after the House Judiciary Committee voted for three articles of impeachment against him for obstruction of justice, abuse of power and contempt of Congress. ... The administration initially blocked Congress from viewing the complaint,..

new political parties get election symbols

Among others, Green Party Nepal got 'trident as its election symbol, Nepal Democratic Party got 'joined hands for greeting, Rastriya Prajatantra Party got 'bull, Sajha Party got 'beam balance, Nepal Communist Party got 'sickle, and Nepali Congress got 'urn as its symbol.. ..

how to understand the whistleblower complaint

It appears that the whistleblower did not have the benefit of seeing this MemCon at the time he wrote his letter to Congress, and that his knowledge of it comes from various U.S. officials who either saw it or heard of it. ... Those officials are not named in the letter, but they know who they are..

constitutional chaos in america

Members of Congress are either afraid of what the community has on them, or they have no concept of the nature and extent of the violation of fundamental liberties the government engages in by following this Act. ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.