worse than a cold war with china

In fairness, Hillary Clinton promised to do the same. . Many of America’s friends in Asia are not prepared to ally militarily against China even as Beijing occupies and fortifies tiny islets in the China seas and advances its territorial claims. ..

technoccult articles in november, 2012

What’s interesting to me is this particle edge of the right that seems to be coming around to much of what the left has been saying for some time now (it reminds me of seeing liberals end up as conservatives during the Clinton years and following 9/11). . ..

technoccult articles in november, 2011

No 2 reform the banking system to prevent fraud and manipulation, with the most frequent item being to restore Glass-Steagall Act Depression-era law, done away with by President Clinton, that separates investment banks from commercial banks. ..

technoccult articles in october, 2010

They've already promised us that the next two years will be lurid nightmare of hearings, trials, impeachments, and character assassinations against progressives ( Which could, in the end, backfire on GOP as badly as Clinton impeachment did. ..


why democrats resort to incivility

One popular interpretation holds that it all began in the 1990s with the “polarizing” figures of Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich. ... Hillary Clinton was basically right. Democrats can’t behave civilly. To do so would be to renounce their purpose. . . . . . . . . . is opinion..

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