easter 2019

Easter commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ Good Friday is the day of the crucifixion while Sunday commemorates the resurrection. ..

the new identity politics

But Brazil has decided to join the crowd, and elected a leader that is racially prejudiced and has a Christian fundamentalist understanding of what the country should be about. ... That is really what is going to save you, and that is what constitutes Christian faith. ..


conservatives push foster-care religious freedom bills in state

“The need for this particular legislation is because a lot of the Christian organizations and organizations of other faiths are losing funding,” said Fitschen. . ... Henry McMaster requested the waiver after a foster care agency, Miracle Hill Ministries, refused to work with..

fascism in europe today – international socialism

Trade unions, including Christian unions, were taken over by the Nazis and liquidated as independent organisations. ... So, the German Christian Democrats also received their worst result since 1949 in the 2017 election, while in France the main party of the right, Les..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.