american wwi soldiers depended on foreign weapons

British Vickers machine gun crew during the Battle of Menin Road Ridge,   World War I, Ypres Salient, West Flanders, Belgium. .. ... American forces had to learn to fight with these new technologies, even as they brought millions of men to bolster British and French armies.  . ..

was the great war necessary?

But standing with stricken faces and tolling bells in the gloomy villages of Lancashire and Pas-de-Calais, British and French, our erstwhile co-belligerents, mourned as if wounded. ... Central to his argument is the assertion that the causes to which other historians have ascribed the Anglo-..

three reasons to fear another 'great war' today

The British author Norman Angell would immortalize himself by suggesting, just a few years before World War I, that what we would now call globalization had rendered great-power conflict obsolete. ... As the rector of one British church observed, “All the resources of science had been..

dichotomy: education and identity crisis — i

Sindh in 1843, Punjab in 1849, and some regions of Balochistan, Quetta and the outer regions in 1879, the leftover of Baloch region turned into Princely State surrounded by British Empire, according to Tharoor. Moreover, Rahman explained that British strategies which crafted English the..

presstv-uk fm to press saudi rulers on yemen, khashoggi

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, will question the kingdom's rulers about the continuation of war against the people of Yemen while urging them to come clean about the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.. Hunt would hold talks Saudi King Salman, and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman once..

the morning of november 11, 1918

And the British maintained the Hunger Blockade on Germany for many more hungry months. . ... A French railway car soon arrived, carrying the Allied Commander-in-Chief, French Field Marshall Ferdinand Foch and British First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Rosslyn Weymyss, and their staffs. . ..

dr elias akleh – countercurrents

American, British, French tripartite aggression against Syria last Friday, April 13th, is grave war crime violating article 51 of United Nation charter, except in the case of self-defense, or with the consent of majority of UN members according to chapter seven. ..

world war i in numbers

Britain sent nine million men, including troops from around the British Empire, chiefly India. ... Britain and British empire: 960,000 dead, two million injured. . Italy: 600,000 dead, one million injured. . ..

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