
trumka says labor department nominee scalia 'has only gotten worse'

'When Eugene Scalia was nominated for solicitor of labor in 2002 we actively opposed him because he had a record of being so anti-union,' Trumka told reporters Thursday, referring to Scalia's appointment in 2002 during the George W. ..


it's form of anti-Semitism... Mazaheri further noted the records of anti-Semitic acts France, rise anti-Semitic acts last year is not really rise, except return to the historical average... ... Yellow Vests are anti-government and anti-establishment..!/quality/90/?

democrats will add language on anti-muslim bias to

House Democrats will add language to resolution condemning anti-Semitism so that it also rejects anti-Muslim prejudice.. ... Ted Deutch, D-Fla., that rejects anti-Semitism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values that define the people..

anti-semitism is cover for a much deeper divide in

Anti-semitism is Cover for Much Deeper Divide Britain's Labour Party.. ... The breakaway faction seemingly agrees that anti-semitism has become so in the party since Jeremy Corbyn became leader more than three years ago that they were left with no choice except to quit.. ..!/quality/90/?

the women's march has twisted feminism into toxic femininity

women associated with the campaign's very formulation, Tamika Mallory and Sharia law-loving Linda Sarsour, are unabashed anti-Semites. ... In response to the continued and anti-Semitism, even Democratic National Committee removed its sponsorship from the group.. ..

armistice day – john quiggin

By heavily subsidising homeownership, Eventually you get Nixon, genuine anti-semite, who was so cagey about his was shocking when revealed to the 2 ) Do not steal too much stuff from the poor and make sure to keep a class of capital inside the tent.. ..

anti-semitism in america « lrb blog

anti-Semitism employs racism, ethnocentrism, economic anxieties, populist myths, and religious bigotry to construct its polemics and practices, so anti-Semite has grab-bag of weapons to reach for.. I think that the polite forms of anti-Semitism under variety of guises..

monthly review

Neoconservative politicians promised to speed up the pace of executions and delivered the means to do so in Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act that was signed into in 1995. ..

populist anti-libertarian politics rising

Populist anti-libertarian politics rising. The rise of the illiberal international is just beginning. So is the long and arduous fight against it... Share This Link http tomgpalmer com 80 2017 14 populist-anti-libertarian-politics-rising ×.. ..

january 2007 – ministry of truth

News reaches me via Tim at Bloggerheads that Thatcherite ex-union basher and astroturfer-in-chief, Paul Staines, is trailing appearance on Fox News Lite by the ever-so-impartial and anti-establishment Iain Dale, Tory A-lister and trustee of the completely 'independent charitable..

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