kushner's middle east plan is un-american

American policy invokes the principle our Founders enshrined in our culture that people have inherent rights and loan them in limited ways to governments for agreed purposes. ... By tapping into the aspiration for dignity and liberty, American policy has been cheaper and easier to..

nancy pelosi’s false dichotomies

Take it from American political historian and American University professor Allan Lichtman, who has correctly predicted the last nine presidential elections. ... The Democrats – once accurately described by Richard Nixon’s onetime political strategist Kevin Phillips as “history’s..

the navy's war vs. bolton's war

It just got its 17th U.S commander and yet somehow the situation there grows worse refugees flee the region, terror groups spread, and endless versions of American war-making from troop surges to counterinsurgency, blow-'em-away air power to the use of the nonnuclear weapon in U.S arsenal are brought..

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