uncovering black marxist feminism

While some African American women would leave the party, many stayed and played in writing its history and pioneering Marxist on the intersections of race, class, and gender.. ... she is advancing the argument that Claudia Jone's work demonstrates body of politics separate and distinct from..

false pledges to africa in the crisis

Despite the decades-long trail of broken promises, Obama's Accra was marked by finger-wagging and reprimands, by insistence that African nations own mismanagement and lack of democracy are to blame for their economic and social problems.. ..

south african student protests, 1968 to 2016

Then the focus shifts towards South African student protests of 2015 2016 to explore the in. ... The issue was discussed at the congress of the National Union of South African Students, and the idea emerged of sit-in along the lines of the university occupations then taking place in the..

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