an act of betrayal and infamy

For President of United States to make such decision with so many implications, based on conversation with Turkish President Erdogan, his shortsightedness and total lack of strategic approach, and his inability to appreciate how that will affect our friends and please our foes. ..!/quality/90/?

rand paul slams lindsey graham: 'been wrong about almost every foreign

Our FIRST line of defense is U.S military working with partners in Islam's backyard keeping them over there so they ca not hurt us here at home or hurt our allies like Israel, on Monday.. ..!/quality/90/?

march for life debuts 'pro-woman' theme for anti-abortion rally

Instead, it supports Born Alive Infant Child Protection Act, which clarifies that babies born alive and supports mandate to have Obamacare insurers separate out premiums so that people receive separate bill to cover abortions.. ..

the minor horrors of war (1915)

Throughout the book, as you can probably tell by the images so far, are figures depicting many of the creatures being discussed. ... It’s on the 30th this year, so be sure to leave some room in your schedule to come take a break with us! ..

another unnecessary police killing

Indeed, the legal standard for an officer to use lethal force—nicknamed the “reasonably scared cop rule” by defense attorney Scott Greenfield—is so broad that almost every unjustified shooting must be plainly egregious. ... Jefferson’s death may be atypical because many officer-involved..

un / torture

“While war is recognized as so called a scourge of mankind, domestic violence is very much regarded as a private matter in most countries. ... On domestic violence, Melzer said, “while war is recognized as so called a scourge of mankind, domestic violence is very much regarded as a..

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