the jewish case for open borders

IMMIGRATION HAS BECOME so central to US politics today that it’s hard to remember how rarely it flickered into the national spotlight before 2016. ... Miller’s uncle, a neuroscientist, has been welcomed onto the public stage for his denunciations of his nephew’s immigration policies, which the..

adani’s silent partners – john quiggin

To get past this stage, and without significant in-house experience of major projects, Adani needs partners engineering design firms, construction contractors, and so on. ... It's widely rumored that global firm Gutteridge, Haskins and Davey will get the job, and so GHD has refused to..

sandpit – john quiggin

Because you have to get SO GOOD that the coal-electricity guys have enough confidence to not super-fire their furnaces for peak time. ... So we all should look little bit askance at some of the young fellows getting bit excited and being bit ready to condemn our good brother. ..

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