remembering justice john paul stevens (1920-2019)

Describing Stevens as. Supreme Court of era, when partisanship was rare, pragmatism reigned, and Republican like Stevens could evolve into one of the important liberal justices of post-World War II era... ... John Paul Stevens, Associate Justice Supreme Court of United States,..

blue states sue trump administration over salt tax rule

The suit, which names the IRS and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, claims that the SALT deduction limit had a specific political purpose: “The cap would ‘send a message’ to states with generous social welfare programs that their tax and spending policies would need to conform to those of the..

new york, new jersey pursue another battle in salt deduction war

The states said that according to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, “The cap would ‘send a message’ to states with generous social welfare programs that their tax and spending policies would need to conform to those of the administration and the Republican Congress.” . ..

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