behavior & belief

Brazil is considered developing country with substantial levels of poverty, yet São Paulo, South America, is modern metropolis and home to South America. Recently Jane Mayer of The New Yorker wrote about the very close relationship between Fox News and President Donald Trump, outlining..

author: stuart vyse

Brazil is considered developing country with substantial levels of poverty, yet São Paulo, South America, is modern metropolis and home to South America. Recently Jane Mayer of The New Yorker wrote about the very close relationship between Fox News and President Donald Trump, outlining..

what happened to the dream of global justice?

With the intervening oil shock of late 1973 fresh in the mind, the developed world suddenly paid extraordinary attention to the Third World’s call for economic self-determination (through the nationalisation of companies extracting natural resources if necessary), fearing a general spike of commodity prices..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.