what happens if america goes bilingual?

Without getting into the politics of South Africa's past, it seems fair to say that some customs are better than others, and that law and order, of the kind Anglophone countries vouchsafe to their citizens, are sine qua non for the kind of civilized living we America are used to, precisely the kind..

everything wrong with the van buren administration

His inability to act on these issues on the U.S.’s northern and southern borders cost him a great deal of support from both slaveholders in the South and radical Democrats in the North. ... Brands, Andrew Jackson: His Life and Times (New York: Random House), 526-527. . . [18] David Edwin..

the end of humanitarianism?

As de Waal remarks on the occasion of the UN’s designation that parts of South Sudan have become famine-free, “(h)umanitarians are better at appealing for as-yet-unmet needs than at providing a robust empirical defence of their record.” ... Jonas Ecke has conducted research for aid..

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India and other South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation nations stem from United Kingdom and Norway among few other countries, it was important to launch this campaign together at multiple fronts simultaneously. ..

in memoriam: archpriest john matusiak

Tikhon’s Seminary, South Canaan, PA in 1969. He later transferred to St. ... In the late 1970’s Father John began organizing international pilgrimages for adults and young people alike to discover Orthodoxy in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and other parts of Eastern Europe. ..

legal newswire

The New York State legislature passed The Child Victims Act to give survivors of childhood sexual abuse a one-year window to file a lawsuit and fight back against their abuser(s) or against negligent institutions who turned a blind eye allowing the abuse to occur, such as the Boy Scouts of..

protesting the national anthem

S. Constitution exactly 148 years later. The 'Fundamental Orders of Connecticut' (1639) explained their whole motive for their settlement was: 'to maintain and preserve the liberty and purity of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus.' ..

home – bhekisisa

Read: South Africa’s National Health Insurance Bill . . . . . . . . . . ... Here is how healthcare in South Africa is likely to change. . . . . Opinion . ..

the longest-lasting conspiracy theory

'Uses distorted legal rhetoric to repeatedly accuses Israel of 'war crimes,' '[s]erious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law,' 'collective punishment,' and fostering a 'culture of impunity.' ... There is much one could reply to this claim; however Deanna 12's..

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