democratic (party) socialism

Many of the most Democrats elected in 2018 call themselves socialists, and organizations like Democratic Socialists of America are flourishing.  ... With their enemies wrapped socialist garb, it's natural for them to resort to tried-and-true anti-socialist..

open forum: march 30, 2019

Socialists don’t get it. Why bother? . . . . John Constantine . . Under their shortreich, if a grazier wants to avoid having to kill fifty percent of the sheep and cattle to comply with Paris, the way to do it is to pay protection money to the chicom Tyrant and buy chicom printed carbon indulgence..

tibet marks 60th anniversary of democratic reform

The hall, with area of 3,500 square meters, displays 165 historical documents, 299 items, 331 pictures and four large settings related to the democratic reform in the region, reflecting the darkness, backwardness and barbarity of Tibet, and the great changes that have taken place in the socialist..

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