sheriff joe and i take on libelous n.y. times

The purpose of this discrimination in censoring conservative content, to push a radical leftist agenda, elect more socialists, feminists, atheists and others to public office, and then ask for favors to line the pockets further of these uber-rich social media companies. ..

patricia grogg

Activists and researchers dedicated to the study of gender violence in Cuba insist on the need for a comprehensive law to protect the victims and prevent the problem, which was publicly ignored until only a few years ago in this socialist Caribbean island nation. . . ..!/quality/90/?

byron york: end could be near for house investigation of trump-russia

At least that’s what we’re told, as the Democratic Socialists of America manages to rise up to tens of thousands of members — 0.01 percent of the population, which we’ll agree is well ahead of the number abducted by aliens. ..!/quality/90/?

why withdrawing from the inf treaty won't increase russia's threat

At least that’s what we’re told, as the Democratic Socialists of America manages to rise up to tens of thousands of members — 0.01 percent of the population, which we’ll agree is well ahead of the number abducted by aliens. ..

committee for a workers' international

Spanish Socialist Party had the potential to become such party and Largo Caballero, the leader of the left, allowed control of the party to remain in the hands of the right led by Indalecio Prieto.. ... The waves of new Labour Party joiners, those who thought they were joining socialist..

if the democrats win, will liberty be gone?

As part of the right (corporate fascist) and left-wing (communist) socialist totalitarian putsch to overthrow decent liberty in the United States, they are acting vigorously to eliminate outlets heretofore safeguarded under the Constitution of the United States. . ... It is a storm oddly combining..

enemies of the people

today almost every journalist is green-socialist of leftist kind who will lie and distort to help their side in the fight.. ... Australian conservatives will be relegated to footnote and this nation will march headlong into quasi-socialist swamp impossible to be redeemed... candy..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.