
conservatives call for federal probe into bloomberg's role in

Conservative groups on Thursday called for congressional probe into the tactics behind last lawsuit against Exxon Mobil filed by Democratic attorney of New York, sending letters to Senate and House committees to request investigations.. ..

eight simple steps to fix american democracy

This is the Republican strategy. As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell explained to Politico on 6 October, the day of Kavanaugh’s confirmation: “Putting strict constructionists, relatively young, on the courts for lifetime appointments is the best way to have a long-term positive..

trying again for full employment

As leading Republican opponent of full employment Senator Robert Taft (R-Ohio) told the Senate in the final 1946 debate: “I do not think any Republican need fear voting for the bill because of any apprehension that there is a victory in the passage of the full employment bill,..

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