
the kavanaugh election: the democratic joe who voted for him won. the

Byron York: For Trump, challenge of governing with Dem House, but full speed ahead with GOP Senate . ... It took a while for President Trump to get used to working with the Republican-led Congress, but he developed a style of dealing with lawmakers that led to the passage of tax reform and..!/quality/90/?

five 2018 races that cost more than $100 million

Fifty-five percent of voters leaving Tuesday disapproved of the President Trump has done office over the past 22 months, according to exit polls... Marsha Blackburn, Republican Senate nominee, breakfast on Election Day... ..

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As to me, I will be part of Republican in United States Senate -- working with the President and my Republican and Democratic colleagues -- to make America safer and more prosperous — Lindsey Graham November 7, 2018... ..

working people respond to midterm election results

A record number of women were elected to the House of Representatives which will now serve as a much-needed check on an anti-union president and Senate. ... Office and Professional Employees President Richard Lanigan: . To put the blue wave in context, 46,466,425 people voted for..

after last night, my take

They stand to net somewhere between 25 and 35 House seats, a mediocre performance for a new president’s first midterms. Meanwhile, the GOP will gain two to four Senate seats, depending on how Arizona and Montana turn out. ..

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Tax credit debate playing unlikely role in key Senate race . Greenwire: Thursday, November 1, 2018 Health care and President Trump are two defining issues in the toss-up Nevada Senate race, which could determine whether the GOP retains control of the chamber. . ... Since..

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All 435 seats in House of Representatives and 35 out of 100 Senate seats are up for grabs, and the fact serve as interim judgement on President Donald Trump's first two years office. ..!/quality/90/?

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The daughter and White House Ivanka Trump urged unity among Americans leaving Congress split with Republicans holding Senate majority... ... President Trump on Wednesday took credit for Republicans gains in Senate, saying GOP defied history with the results of the midterm..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.