
ugly war of words in senate as nation splits over kavanaugh

Republicans and Democrats are ramping up accusatory tweets, speech insults, and hallway criticisms of each other as Senate hurdles toward what GOP hopes is final vote this week on Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh.. ..!/quality/90/?

more than 650 law professors sign letter stating kavanaugh lacks

More than 650 law professors, including 13 affiliated with Yale Law School and 21 with Harvard Law School, have signed letter to Senate arguing that Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed because of his lack of judicial temperament... ..!/quality/90/?

'uncorroborated': grassley says 'no hint of misconduct' in fbi's

Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley said Thursday FBI's into Judge Brett Kavanaugh over alleged sexual assault uncovered nothing new and found no hint of misconduct... ..


Senators Orrin Hatch and Ben Cardin spoke about the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for U.S. ..

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