german history is changing

Since Russian President Vladimir Putin has kept eastern Ukraine in a state of prolonged and frozen conflict, it is easy for onlookers in other nations to lose urgency about the crisis. ... And he has been working ever since to restore Russian power to its Soviet levels. ..

russia is disadvantaged by her belief

The US military complex prefers the risk of war to any diminution of its $1,000 billion, sum that is destined to grow as the presstitutes, in line with the complex, continue to demonize both Russia and Putin and to never question the obvious orchestrations that are used to portray Russia as..

living in truth

Yet there is some ambivalence involved, since, for example, right-wing populism in Poland is anti-Russian (as well as anti-German), and therefore can hardly take Putin’s side – it would go against the grain of a very old and powerful tradition. . ... Jaroslaw Kaczynski, notwithstanding..

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