op-ed: saudi arabia is a repressive regime – and so are a lot of us

That's the language former President Barack Obama used September to criticize Trump's embrace of Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, citing America's commitment to certain values and principles like the rule of law and human rights and democracy... ..!/quality/90/?

john bolton: russian meddling had no real 'effect' on us 2016 election

Ex-White House lawyer Ty Cobb broke with his former boss Monday, saying he doesn't believe special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation is a “witch hunt.” . . ... When President Trump campaigns for Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Monday night, he is unlikely to revisit his..!/quality/90/?

byron york: end could be near for house investigation of

Senate Intelligence Committee conducted the big, bipartisan, flagship congressional probe into Trump-Russia matter. These days, joint group from House Judiciary and Oversight committees is conducting interviews with several figures in Trump-Russia matter. ..!/quality/90/?

why withdrawing from the inf treaty won't increase russia's threat

This is how to think about President Trump's decision to walk away from Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces, or INF, treaty. That's why Russia invaded Syria and Ukraine, why Putin continues to destabilize Western democracies, and why he invests in new and diverse weapons platforms. ..

foreign policy for the twenty-first century

By encouraging the expansion of, Specifically, he affirms that United States should stop provoking Russia NATO and European Union should stop promoting Russia's neighbors and should end the in Middle East.. ... During Cold War, the mistaken belief that Soviet Union was..

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