world war i: 52 months of hell

Immediately at the outbreak of war, the Ottoman empire -- allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary -- closed the Bosphorus Strait to isolate Russia, which was fighting alongside Britain and France. . RUSSIA OFFENSIVE . Russia launched a major offensive into East Prussia on August 15..

examining japan's first foray into global warfare

The hostilities involved Japan, which fought on the side of Great Britain, Canada, France, Belgium, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and a handful of other countries against Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Turkey and Bulgaria. . ... In addition, the Japanese Red Cross..!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_490/image.jpg

examining japan's first foray into global warfare, 100 years later -

The hostilities involved Japan, which fought on the side of Great Britain, Canada, France, Belgium, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and a handful of other countries against Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Turkey and Bulgaria. . ... In addition, the Japanese Red Cross..

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