
trump jr. says ‘jfk would be an alt-right, neo-nazi terrorist’ to

'But it's also not your grandpa’s Republican Party,' co-host Steve Doocy pushed back. . 'I think it's changed,' Trump Jr. countered. 'Now, for the first time in 50 years, Republicans are actually fighting back. ..!/image/2125021683.PNG_gen/derivatives/headline_1200x630/2125021683.PNG

a year to 2020 u.s. election, the fight for the jewish vote begins -

Republican Jewish Coalition released its first ad of the election cycle Monday, ments by leading Democratic presidential candidates that favor limiting or conditioning U.S military aid to Israel. skip - Republican Jewish Coalition ad Republican Jewish Coalition ad - דלג.. ... ..!/quality/90/?

gender chasm: trump even to biden among men but trailing by 31 points

One month before Trump's surprise win, Washington Post published audio of Trump making lewd remarks about touching women without their consent in what many Republicans viewed as insurmountable blow to his candidacy.. I produced — Trump said at Michigan rally March.. ..

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