
blow to mueller as paul manafort gets under four years in prison

Manafort joined Trump March 2016 and helped him win delegates for Trump during the primaries. He also helped defeat July 2016 effort on the floor of Republican National Convention to open up the convention to challenge to Trump. ..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/l5simxdmrroipkvpmqru.jpg

republicans invite anti-trans feminist to hearing on violence against

The bill expired amid the 2018 government shutdown, and was excluded from the 2019 spending bill Donald Trump authorized to re-open the government. . ... Republicans and the Trump administration have been expanding a series of anti-trans bills and policies that target trans people..


Some Democratic senators in the chamber of Congress, including three 2020 presidential candidates Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, expressed frustration that Omar faced implicit rebuke, ments by President Donald Trump and other Republicans go unchallenged... ..

what's left?

Sure, many in the media helped fuel Trump’s chances during the Republican primaries, handing him billions’ worth in air time and transparently soft coverage. ... There’s little doubt, as many commentators would warn, that Trump’s rise would forever transform the..

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