
what does it mean now that federal judge has struck down affordable

President Donald Trump, who campaigned in 2016 on a promise to undo Obamacare, was thwarted in Congress last year by a lone vote from the late Arizona Republican Sen. ... Trump immediately tweeted in celebration on Friday and called on Congress to act. . ..!/brightness/-10x0/quality/90/?

with obamacare in limbo, gop revives calls for new healthcare law

Republicans revived their calls to replace Obamacare in the wake of federal judge declaring the law unconstitutional, and Democrats had no plans to abandon the battle ahead.. ..!/quality/90/?

federal judge rules obamacare unconstitutional

President Trump has pledged that a Republican replacement plan to Obamacare would protect people with pre-existing conditions, a plan he asked Congress to 'get it done' late Friday. . Republican replacement plans in Congress have contained similar language as Obamacare for..

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