
trump campaign moving early to keep arizona from switching to blue in

Republican Party is moving early to build political firewall around Arizona's Electoral College votes, is threatening to turn against President Trump in 2020.. ... By capitalizing on Arizona Republicans say the state is in play after midterm elections that saw Kyrsten..

u.s. senate seats up for reelection in 2018

Democrats are expected to target Senate seats Nevada, Arizona, and Texas.. Republicans are expected to target Democratic-held seats Indiana, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, West Virginia, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, all of. ..

after last night, my take

GOP will gain two to four Senate seats, depending on how Arizona and Montana turn out. Republicans Martha McSally and Matt Rosendale lead in those races, which will test the theory that Republicans ca not win close elections because Democrats can always find extra votes if they need..

supreme test for campaign finance reform

But it was not until two Republicans -- Shays and Sen. John McCain of Arizona -- came along that Congress sent a package of new rules to the White House. The Republicans' chief Democratic partners were Rep. Martin T. Meehan of Massachusetts and Sen. ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.