france: macron sides with iran's mullahs

On September 1, 1966, General Charles de Gaulle delivered a speech in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, harshly criticizing 'American imperialism' in Vietnam. When US President Ronald Reagan described the Soviet Union as an 'evil empire,' the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed 'reservations'..

american psychopathy

In August 1953, the Guatemalan Communist paper, Octubre, characterized the new president of Costa Rica, José “Don Pepe” Figueres, as an “unconditional servant of American imperialism” and the latest “United Fruit Company President.” Both pro-American and..

conspiracy theories aren't on the rise

Over 29% of the American population believe there is a “Deep State” working against President Donald Trump. ... Vice President of Scientific Affairs . . Dr. Alex Berezow joined the American Council on Science and Health as Senior Fellow of Biomedical Science in May..

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