how 67,000 socialists hijacked the democratic party

Communist Party John Bachtell explained this strategy in webinar on May 23, 2018, Freedom Road and Communist Party usa that they must campaign for openly socialist candidates within Democratic Party as means of challenging President Donald Trump.. The book discusses the importance of Latin..!/quality/90/?

republicans resigned to trump losing 2020 popular vote but confident

If Trump wins a second term without the popular vote, it would mark the first time in American history that the candidate who finished second in overall votes won consecutive presidential elections. . When President George W. Bush ran for re-election, his campaign prioritized the popular..

trump vs. mccain: an american horror story

POW MIA issue also neutralized another White House and Pentagon problem that had been building throughout 1968 American at the torture and murder of the prisoners of U.S and Saigon forces.. In 1980, while running for president, Ronald Reagan coined the noble cause to describe Vietnam War,..

washington monthly

David Keene—then head of the American Conservative Union, now president of the National Rifle Association—was tracking post-9/11 encroachments on civil liberties and turning a wary eye to criminal justice. ..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/oxcflxopvtx1l3lwqlrf.jpg

the black women's roundtable releases its 2019 report

Philip Randolph Institute; Linda Goler Blount, President & CEO of the Black Women’s Health Imperative; Barbara Perkins, Co-Founder & President of the International Black Women’s Public Policy Institute; Elsie Scott, PhD, Interim President of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation; Rhonda Vonshay..

us calls off attack on iran

This is surprising when we remember that EU still has nuclear with Iran and is promising to maintain trade with the country despite American threats. ... Iran shot down American drone on Thursday, in the latest sign that President Trump and Iran's, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, may..

why are trump and johnson still so popular?

The fact is that jobs are returning to US factories and, as far as foreign policy is concerned, the main thing for the average American is that Trump supplies weapons to Saudi Arabia. Perhaps Trump is not a good US president in the eyes of the rest of the world. ..

communists and race

Gordon Mar, a former LRS supporter and Chinese Progressive Association president, was quoted by the website as saying, “Mainstream Asian American organizations oppose racism but won’t make the link to U.S. and corporate policy abroad.” . ..

ashley pratte: trump's attacks on john mccain are a disgrace.

He was always been a tireless advocate for American leadership, recognizing that America is stronger and safer when the world is stronger and safer. . President Trump’s words, actions and lack of leadership, by comparison, pose a threat to America’s role in the world. ..

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