in trump’s america: mr 53%

And President does like to to accumulate enemies of the finest kind Trump Climate Panel Could Expose Huge Fraud, Hence the Hysteria. The freak out over President Donald Trump's proposed Presidential Committee on Climate Science highlights the fact that the hysteria surrounding the..

trump labels iran's revolutionary guard a terror group

By president trying to return the By blacklisting Iran's most important military unit, the sanctions could complicate any attempt United States to the deal with Iran, ... ... Trita Parsi, supporter of Iran and president of the National Iranian American Council, said the move could..

can congress force trump to hand over his tax returns?

And regardless, in determining the extent to which IRS audits and enforces the Federal tax laws against President, it should be helpful to compare the period before and during President Trump's presidency.. ... One of several exceptions is that upon written request from the..

race relations in us bad; donald trump made them worse, survey says

new survey by Pew Research Center reveals six Americans believe race relations in the country are bad, and 56% think President Donald Trump has made them worse.. ... My everyday walk makes me very aware of the racial tensions that exist, and lot of it's centered around some of the things that are..

america's new motto: 'out of chaos, power'

The president of United States is the minister of government who commands the use of the sword, and Congress of United States represents the sovereign will authorized by nature and Constitution to procure the resources required to forge and make use of it.. ... President Lincoln perceived..

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By the government three days before the cyclone struck, President said the number of deaths would have been greater had it not been for the warnings issued by National Meteorological Institute, the red alert decreed, and the subsequent work of the relief agency National Disaster Management..


SNSC - that is headed by President Hassan Rouhani - condemned Washington's move, calling it illegal and dangerous action that poses a major threat to regional and peace and security violates the rules of international law..      .. TEHRAN - The US decision to recognize Tel Aviv's over..

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