monthly review

Galbraith led the heterodox liberal assault on the conventional view in three influential, iconoclastic works: . American Capitalism . The Affluent Society . The New Industrial State . (1967). ..

hussein focused arms race on rockets

While White House was fixated on Saddam Hussein's interest in procuring biological and chemical weapons, evidence uncovered by American investigators suggests that Iraqi president spent his final years power more determined to develop and deploy conventional ballistic missiles, hoping to..

ashcroft seeks more anti-terror laws

And he sought more leeway in denying bail to suspected terrorists, putting them in a category with more conventional criminal defendants like drug traffickers and gangsters. . . . . . 'Our ability to prevent another catastrophic attack on American soil would be more difficult, if not..

path to polarization: a country divided? not so much

The two parties couldn’t see eye-to-eye on a routine vote to raise the debt ceiling, bringing the country to the brink of financial disaster and causing the first credit rating downgrade in American history. . With so much reassurance, this “culture war” has become conventional wisdom...

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.