the us as rogue nation number 1

Iran could conceivably launch missiles that might reach Israel, but as it has no nuclear weapons, and even with a crash program wouldn’t by any stretch of the imagination (or of the English language) have them “imminently,” such missiles, if they could even strike the target from that distance, would do..

georgian official: over 200 people injured in clashes

The unrest was sparked by the appearance of Russian Sergei Gavrilov, Communist Party member, at parliament as part of assembly of legislators from Orthodox Christian countries.. The visit of Russian of Orthodox had prompted complaints before, and the anger turned into street protest..

2018 report on international religious freedom

States Parties to Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall promote the realization of the right of self-determination, and shall respect that right, conformity with the provisions of Charter of United Nations.. ..

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