keeping an eye on january 16 and 17

The Trumpet has repeatedly reminded readers of Herbert Armstrong’s prophecy that Rome will succeed in garnering back to its fold its wayward Protestant and Orthodox daughters. ... Representations to the Orthodox patriarchs continue to indicate a similar invitation will soon be issued for..


Russia fired back, saying that the US with New START has problems, and that the US has refused to allow Russia to verify the conversion of some B-52H bombers and Trident II missile launchers for conventional weapons use.. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has stated that the US will suspend..

long live the armed struggle!

Rosenberg was a victim of a terrible, extreme, and wholly antifeminist time, which saw women in stereotypical ways, ways which often contradicted each other, making it difficult for women to achieve any acceptable balance. ..

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As senior editor Joel Hilliker wrote in his article “Wanted: Real Men,” in the December 2003 issue of the Trumpet, “There is no question that the last few generations have done much to tear down conventional concepts of masculinity and femininity. ..

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