crusade of tears -

leading Jewish groups and progressive rabbis, targeting youth who have lost touch with roots and history, pander to Islamic organizations such as ISNA, support anti-Semitic Muslim Congresswomen, Hamas and BDS supporters Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. ..

before omar, obama mainstreamed anti-semitism among

By allowing people who pal around with terror groups and employ questionable anti- Israel rationales to have seat at the table, Obama allowed the legitimate critics of Israel to be eclipsed, and it was matter of time before someone such as Omar broke through to position of American politics without..!/quality/90/?

bernie sanders staffer's dual loyalty smear shows liberal

., was forced to apologize on Tuesday for spreading the idea that Jews had dual-loyalty, thus demonstrating that liberal anti-Semitism is not confined to the utterances of Rep. ... It is no surprise that Sanders, who has been one of Omar's most prominent defenders, would have somebody on..

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