venezuela at another crossroads

In 2002, dissident military officers with the support of media, opposition politicians, and Metropolitan Police removed Hugo Chávez from office for 48 hours while Pedro Carmona, the President of Venezuelan Federation of Chambers of Commerce, declared president. .. :

Slattery, who had been president of Ave Maria Academy in Maple Grove, was named its director. Part of the new office’s commission was to get to the essentials of what it means for the archdiocese to serve Catholic education effectively, which started from consideration of how parents today..

interview with maduro

THE President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, this past January 10, began a new term in office. ... They used drones and the attack was ordered, from Bogotá, by President Juan Manuel Santos, whose term in office ended coincidentally three days..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.