
byron york: trump goes big, uses delayed state of the union to make

But it likely won't do him much good in dealing with the House, given that some of the Democrats who applauded would also vote to remove him from office in a heartbeat. ..

state of the union fact check: what's true and false in trump's

According to Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University, of the female voting members of the House and Senate in the tonight, 106 are Democrats and just 21 are Republicans.. When Trump took office, the rate of GDP growth was 1.8 percent for the quarter of 2017 in the..

president donald trump calls for end of resistance politics in...

Trump's appeals for bipartisanship in his State of Union address clashed with the atmosphere he has helped cultivate in the nation's capital -- and the desire of most Democrats to block his agenda during his next two years office. Democrats have refused to acquiesce to his..

trump calls for end of resistance politics in state of union

Trump's appeals for bipartisanship in his State of Union address clashed with the atmosphere he has helped cultivate in the nation's capital — and the desire of most Democrats to block his agenda during his next two years office. Democrats have refused to acquiesce to his..

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