
byron york: trump goes big, uses delayed state of the union to make

By new calls to adopt in our country, Trump said, Here in the United States, we are alarmed. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the star of Democratic class who also embraces socialism, was irritated by the president's tactics.. ..!/quality/90/?

trump to ocasio-cortez: 'america will never be a

Trump to Ocasio-Cortez ' America will never be socialist country by   February 05, 2019 PM... ... By noting the number of female lawmakers serving in, That warning came minutes after Trump brought Ocasio-Cortez, and other Democratic in the chamber to their feet Congress..

state of the union

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (C), remain in their seats as Senator Joe Manchin stands and applauds in front of them as President Trump delivers his second State of the Union address....more . . ... Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (C), remain in their seats as Senator Joe Manchin stands and..

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