monthly review

In this carnival atmosphere throbbed the omnipresent and not that because his father was Muslim, the son is forever Muslim — assuming, of course, that faith Islam is disqualifying. ..

fill the 4th circuit's vacancies now

Obama nominated Judge Davis on April 2 the nomination was heard by Senate Judiciary Committee on April 29 and approved, 16-3, on June 4. ... President Obama must nominate candidates for all the openings, and Senate must confirm them and Judge Davis.. ..

the ndaa explained:

President Obama had threatened to veto the bill back May, when House passed one version of it, and again November, when Senate passed another, somewhat different version of it.. ... President Obama again issued veto threat after Senate vote, and the threat was dropped. ..

why dems are more worried than ever about november

McInturff agreed this will be year for Democrats who are battling to retain control of Senate and reduce GOP's in House.. Obama sounded the alarm for his party on Tuesday during appearances at two Democratic fundraisers New York City, according to Washington Post. ..

what susan rice's white house promotion means

Her influence will be especially pronounced, I think, because she is part of Obama's original foreign-policy team — in what could have been a near-suicidal career move, Rice, a former official in President Bill Clinton's administration, signed on to Obama's campaign when his victory didn't seem at..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.