should the lgb separate from the t?

*To be clear: While it had never occurred to me before the controversy over the North Carolina bathroom bill that anything other than anatomy ought decide which facility one should use—as I wrote in the early days of the blog, “urinals would be nigh unto useless for people with female genitalia,..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/lyv0rip0xy8lp57m5ibc.jpg

what is gerrymandering, and how the supreme court's decision will

Despite being a purple state, North Carolina was forced to re-draw its districts after the 2010 census and a ruling by the Supreme Court; a Republican-controlled legislature re-drew the state’s districts to pack as many Democrats into as few districts as possible, a decision that allowed the state..

in defence of party building – international socialism

In February/March of this year the International Socialist Organisation (ISO), one of the larger organisations on the North American far-left, underwent a complete implosion. ... Since then it has grown into a small but substantial force in Irish politics North and South which has met with..


Syrian Army's artillery units pounded the terrorists movements in area from al-Naqir to North of al-Hobait till towns of Sheikh Mustafa, al-Rakaya, Tarmala and Kafar Sanjeh, destroying several of their military positions.        .. ..

benjamin constant: french liberal extraordinaire

Its chief practical consequence was the establishment of universal manhood suffrage in the Constitution of the North German Confederation, in 1867, by the Junker Bismarck, who was explicitly guided by the consideration just cited (cf. ... Its chief practical consequence was the establishment of..

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