commentary on politics and media bias
Democrats demanding a fair impeachment in Senate where President Trump must be found guilty. If he's not removed from office, that's not fair.. ..…
Democrats demanding a fair impeachment in Senate where President Trump must be found guilty. If he's not removed from office, that's not fair.. ..…
This entry was posted in, FBI, Impeachment, Legislation, media bias, Nancy Pelosi, Notorious Liars, President Trump, Professional Idiots, propaganda, Typical Prog Behavior, Uncategorized. ..…
So, there's no necessary inconsistency between the claims that we lost because of media bias., we lost because of X and we lost because the leader was unpopular.. ..…
An Al Goodwyn Cartoon: Trump reveals al-Baghdadi death among media bias . ..…
This entry was posted in, Donald Trump, Election 2020, Impeachment, Legislation, media bias, Nancy Pelosi, Notorious Liars, Occupy Type Moonbats, President Trump, propaganda, Typical Prog Behavior, Ukraine, Uncategorized. ..…
the article did not have explicit bias, the phrasing of the article's headline called into question of the media bias at CNN against prayers from religious people.. ..…
This entry was posted in, Election 2016, FBI, IG Report Comey, FISA Abuse, IG Report McCabe, Legislation, media bias, Nancy Pelosi, Notorious Liars, Professional Idiots, propaganda, Spygate, Spying, TowerGate, Typical Prog Behavior, Uncategorized, White House Coverup. ..…
Press Secretary Sarah Sanders called out media bias last August The media has role to play for the in this country.. ..…
This article was posted on Monday, May 20th, 2019 at 4 35am and is filed under, Fake News, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Media, Media Bias, Media Censorship, Militarism, Opinion, Propaganda, Russia, United States, US Lies, US Media, US Terrorism, US War Crimes, War Crimes, War..…
Along Vanity Fair confesses that this quick turnabout is the result of media bias. The most obvious reason for Beto's boom-and-bust media cycle is that running against Republican Texas is far cry from running in Democratic against bevy of qualified opponents, many of. ..…
This article was posted on Thursday, April 4th, 2019 at 2 55pm and is filed under, Jeremy Corbyn, Media, Media Bias, Media Criticism, Militarism, Politics, Theresa May, Tony Blair, UK Hypocrisy, UK Labour Party, UK Media, UK Politics, United Kingdom, Violence... ..…
Are foreign interests preparing the next attempt to undermine DPRK and peace for Koreas... ..…
Mark Levin Show on Monday, host Mark Levin discussed Mueller report and media bias, suggesting that the greatest threat, the danger to freedom of the in this country today is the press... ..…
Dream Trump on Social Media Left-wing Bias . written by Dan Klein March 22, 2019 . . . ... Dream Trump on Social Media Left-wing Bias - March 22, 2019 . . . . . . ..…
This article was posted on Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 at 5 59am and is filed under, Extremists, Hillary Clinton, Imperialism, Media Bias, Media Criticism, Militarism, NATO, Neo-Nazis, Paul Manafort, President Vladimir Putin, Russia, Sanctions, Tax, Ukraine, United States, US..…
Timothy Groseclose invited us to try in his invaluable book Left Turn How Liberal Media Bias Distorts American Mind — and the media ignored the book. ..…
Media Bias Chart 4.0 . “We believe that one of the ways to make the world better is to become smarter about the news we consume.” . . . ..…
Vanessa Otero's Updated Media Bias Chart UPDATED 4.0... Battlestar Galactica 'Launch When Ready Bridge Girl Fan Page ... ..…
Liberals love victims… except those of establishment media bias. The American public astutely recognizes the bias, even as the establishment media adamantly refuses to acknowledge it. ... This increasingly occurs as evidence of establishment media bias..…
Further, the media's bias makes it virtually impossible for reporters to investigate the role of human trafficking, slavery, and in funding and incentivizing the illegal flow of humans into United States.. ..…
Ironically, CNN recognized the media bias against Lewandowski with CNN President Jeff Zucker stating criticism of hiring Lewandowski was because of media bias... ..…
Rutenberg quotes Democratic strategist who said that the President calling out media bias is way of turning out his base without any acknowledgment that many Trump voters have been frustrated by media bias... ..…
Vanessa Otero's Updated Media Bias Chart UPDATED 4.0... >When backwards newbie poets write... ..…
Media bias right before your eyes 12 20 am, November 7, 2018 Steve Kates.. ..…
By spokesperson for, Often, the media bias stems from insensitive information given to the press by police. ..…
Instead, I decided to encourage my correspondent to leave the world of elite bias, of media bias, and instead reflect on Trump Administration's foreign policies. ..…
While some Republicans have criticized media bias, ation as fake news and referred to the media as the enemy of the people.. ..…
Immigration Jobs Leading from Behind Legal Media Bias Obama Obama Administration Obama Politics Political Correctness President Obama Republicans RNC Sarah Palin SB1070 SB 1070 Seperation of Church and State Socialism taxes Tea Party War against Terrorism War on Terror... ..…
Immigration Jobs Leading from Behind Legal Media Bias Obama Obama Administration Obama Politics Political Correctness President Obama Republicans RNC Sarah Palin SB1070 SB 1070 Seperation of Church and State Socialism taxes Tea Party War against Terrorism War on Terror... ..…
Media Bias 101 summarizes decades of survey research showing how journalists vote, what journalists think, what the public thinks about the media, and what journalists say about media bias. ... Exhibit 2-21 Trust and Satisfaction with National Media. ..…
many protesters also emphasized U.S media bias toward Israel, influenced the public's support of Israel. ..…