
trump white house, kennedy worked together to keep supreme court

new book details the Justice Anthony Kennedy went to keep secret his plans to retire from Supreme Court last year, move that would kick off bruising fight over confirmation of his replacement, Justice Brett Kavanaugh.. ..

albanian government vows to punish election disruption

By prohibiting them to leave the SARANDA, Albania — Albanian police said Wednesday they arrested opposition supporters for allegedly damaging ballot boxes and documents to prevent upcoming municipal elections, while the government proposed punishing people convicted of election interference... ..

michael bloomberg jolts senate battle with $20 million for democrats

Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City who is considering 2020 campaign, will give $20 million to Democratic Senate PAC this week — jolting the battle for control of the chamber just five weeks away from the midterm elections.. ..

leader's party makes gains in german voting

But his hopes for a result that could restore his majority in the upper house of the federal parliament were dashed as Bremen's Social Democrat mayor vowed to prolong a ``grand coalition'' with the Christian Democrats, Schroeder's main conservative opponents. . . . . . ..

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