state of the union fact check: what's true and false in trump's

Claim: Trump says Venezuela's collapse is a result of 'socialist policies' . Since the swearing-in of President Nicolás Maduro — whom much of the international community has called illegitimate —many conservative critics have blamed the country’s “21st century socialism”..

venezuela: us pursuing humanitarian aid path to war

protest outside United States Consulate Sydney on January 23 2019 to demand no US Venezuela.. The United States has been working with oligarchs Venezuela to remove President Maduro since he came to in 2013 after the death of Hugo Chavez and was re-elected that year. ..


Following the US recognition of Venezuelan Juan Guaido as the president of the country,   Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro said Wednesday that Caracas was breaking diplomatic relations with the US, giving American personnel 72 hours to leave the country.. ..

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