
paul ryan breaks with trump: 'you cannot end birthright citizenship

Bill Cassidy, R-La., co-authored a paper on Tuesday that proposes setting up a Netflix-like subscription model for states to cover skyrocketing costs for hepatitis C treatments. . . ..

a venezuelan exodus?/¿un éxodo venezolano?

As its latest propagandistic resource it has created the “Plan Vuelta a la Patria” to facilitate the return of Venezuelans to the country, fueled in the wake of attacks against Venezuelan migrants in Roraima, Brazil in late August. ..

commentary: is the u.s. still a real democracy?

o the two parties taking different positions on voting rights, Republican-controlled state governments Oklahoma and Louisiana have passed laws that either increase the penalties for protesting or otherwise curtail activities that are protected by First Amendment rights to assembly and speech. ..!/quality/90/?

chamber president warns us is 'out of people,' needs more immigration

Bill Cassidy, R-La., co-authored paper on Tuesday that proposes setting up Netflix-like subscription model for states to cover skyrocketing costs for hepatitis C treatments... ..

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