israel and the nakba

Of the almost one million Arabs living in Palestine, 13,000 were killed, 750,000 fled, and 180,000 were left within the borders of the newly declared state of Israel. Of those who fled, two-thirds became refugees in the West Bank and Gaza, and the others ended up in squalid refugee camps in..

the contradictions of human rights organizations

Mainstream human rights organizations refuse to engage in these considerations and with the same moral force condemn the oppressor and the oppressed as in their reports that often condemn Israeli and Palestinian activists in West Bank and Gaza.. While practically Left recognizes the..

political islam: a marxist analysis

The West wholeheartedly supported this banking system. Wanting not to be left out of the vast amounts of petrodollars that were now flowing through these banks, Western banks pitched in to provide expertise, training, and technological know how. ... For a thorough critique of culturalist..

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