monthly review

One of the main accomplishments of Israeli government's bombing and invasion of Gaza Strip last winter was to inspire new vitality within leftist and peace groups solidarity with Palestinian for justice and liberation. The outbreak of the 2000 intifada sparked awareness on the left of..

comparisons between jews in israel and the u.s.

., Jews on the left are less likely than those on the right to say the Israeli government is sincerely pursuing peace and more likely to say Palestinian leaders are sincere). But the ideological divide between left- and right-leaning Jews in Israel is deeper than the divide between liberal..

who is canada’s ndp dialoguing with in israel

Born and raised in Soviet Union, Ilatov also sponsored bill to limit the call to prayer from mosques and, in another attack against the 20-25% of Muslim and Christian Israelis, should be mandatory for judges  to sing Israel's anthem and adhere to the idea of the State of Israel as Jewish state... ..!/image/3359053038.jpg_gen/derivatives/headline_1200x630/3359053038.jpg

full text: palestinian president mahmoud abbas' 2018 un general

It's really ironic that the American administration still talk about what they call the deal of the century, but what is left for this administration to give to the Palestinian people? Only humanitarian solutions, because when they remove off of the negotiation table Jerusalem, refugees and..

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