left is the new right, or why marx matters

The conflation of Democrats with 'the left that first emerged to counter New Deal in the 1930s, persisted through the 1990s and the 2000s because it was useful to both political parties. ... The historically based conflation of Democrats with 'the left was..


trump isn’t immune from n.y. demand for tax records, judge rules

The Radical Left Democrats have failed on all fronts, so now they are pushing local New York City and State Democrat prosecutors to go get President Trump. ..


the emerging conservative civil war isn't about ideology but about

Trump has been unrelenting in his verbal assault on the LeftDemocrats, tech companies, the media, and the “deep state.” ... As the Democrats’ impeachment drags on and policy battles get deprioritized, this civil war among conservatives over the rules of engagement is..


how a sewer socialist city may push democrats left

How a Sewer Socialist City May Push Democrats Left in 2020 . When presidential hopefuls arrive in Milwaukee for the 2020 Democratic National Convention, they must choose whether to embrace the city’s socialist history, or run from it. . ... It’s only fitting the Democrats would..

the blob fought the squad, and the squad won

This background has bearing on the effort by American establishment to crush 'the squad of left House Democrats. ... The establishment's move to join forces to 'other left opposition relies on Democrats that in the eyes of the public they, to defend, are worth keeping...


'strange...like it's 2008': ocasio-cortez hits back at pelosi,

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez snapped at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for criticizing her and other left-wing Democrats, renewing war of words between rising and veteran congressional leader... ..

trump has made america less racist

However since Democrats and MSM are not Extremist Left - we are portrayed as further from Center. Sorry Democrats and MSM are NOW Extremist Left.. Hands Up, Do not Shoot., Martin Zimmerman fiasco, and other fake race crimes shoved down our throats by media and..


michael barone: oid political rules of thumb are yielding to even

Democrats are turmoil, panicking at the possibility of having enemies on Left, that House Democrats could not pass resolution decrying anti-Semitism of one of their own.. ..

a left case against the democrats

It oversaw the rise of Cold War, leading to the formation of a permanent arms economy and the purging of Left activists. For the century it has been Democrats assignment to play the role of shock absorber, trying to head off and co-opt restive segments of the ­electorate by posing as..

sweden's struggle to form new government

Aftonbladet finds it hypocritical to expect Left Party to go along with the agreement for the sake of keeping Sweden Democrats out of government.. ... It Left Party blocks Löfven it will give Sweden Democrats another chance at getting into government, warns..

sweden to finally get a new government

Now Liberals and Centre Party have agreed to support government composed of Social Democrats and Greens under Stefan Löfven. ... It Left Party blocks Löfven it will give Sweden Democrats another chance at getting into government, warns Aftonbladet.. ..

the democrats’ leftward march

And to be sure, Bill Clinton, for all of his duplicitous politics and appalling behavior, yanked Democrats back to the center on policy, such that today the left hates on Clinton for being a neoliberal. ... This is all long preface for setting up notice of Thomas Edsall's in New York..

political polarization in the american public

As result, ideological overlap between the two parties has diminished Today, 92% of Republicans are to the right of Democrat, and 94% of Democrats are to the left of Republican.. Today 92% of Republicans are to the right of Democrat, and 94% of Democrats are to..


Democrats and Left please pardon the redundancy reacted as if it were trillion budget... ... Left is the worst choir.  Singing dissonantly conversely, about how bad things are no matter how good things are... ..


rand paul attacks clinton from the right and the left

Left-wing Democrats have been pummeling the party's, Hillary Rodham Clinton, with something close to abandon, and there has been good deal of focus on what  effect some of the prominent progressive voices are likely to have on campaign for the presidential nomination.. ..

german election setback to merkel

The center-left Social Democrats, who lead the state government but are in opposition nationally, won nearly 37 percent of Sunday's vote — a gain of more than five points compared with five years ago, according to ARD and ZDF television projections based on exit polls and early counting. ...

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