us war in somalia kills civilians

Everyone remembers Black Hawk Down — the downing of American in 1993 that showed images of American corpses being dragged through the streets of the capital, Mogadishu.. The incident left such scar on the psyche that it altered US's risk threshold, contributing to Washington's..

trump vs. mccain: an american horror story

As often, the president is speaking in coded language to his base, which regards McCain as the Judas who betrayed all those thousands of American POWs left behind in Vietnam. . ... By then, some observers of the American cultural and political scene were becoming aware of a visible..

communists and race

It added that Torrez, chair of the Party’s Mexican American Equality Commission, had “reviewed the Commission’s work in the recent period” and proposed organizing “a left-center Latino coalition” to create “progressive sentiments of U.S. ..

day of wrath

Were it not for U.S superpower, of Israel, outpost of Europe Arabia that most white Americans perceive like the settlers of American mythology. Green New Deal is being embraced and applauded by many on the left, much as AOC, and Ilhan Omar and Tulsi Gabbard being embraced for saying..

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