monthly review

Yet, during Israel's on Lebanon in 2006, M85 failed on both counts, causing Lebanese civilian carnage.14 Both British moves reflect commitment to cluster munitions and response to U.S warning that signing Oslo convention would place British forces fighting U.S troops Iraq and Afghanistan..

israel, iran and the bush administration

Growing demoralization well before the Lebanon war plagued Israel, and the percentage of Jews with higher academic degrees that migrated grew steadily after 2002. Israel exports brainpower to a extent very high by world standards. The Lebanon war and talk-both from Israeli..

iraq: strengthen domestic violence bill

In recent years, several countries and autonomous regions in Middle East and North Africa have also introduced some form of legislation or regulation, including Algeria, Bahrain, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia. ..

white house warns syria its acts risk sanctions

The issue of Syria dominated Israel yesterday, with top officials Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's office saying they would demand that United States force Syria to end the threat from Hezbollah, Iranian-backed militia that, with Syria's connivance, is the most powerful political force in southern..

the future of the global muslim population

Of the 20 countries and territories in this region, all but Israel are projected to be at least 50% Muslim in 2030, and 17 are expected to have a population that is more than 75% Muslim in 2030, with Israel, Lebanon and Sudan (as currently demarcated) being the only exceptions. . Nearly a..

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