will venezuela crisis split democrats?

Driving the point home, he insisted: “The United States has a long history of inappropriately intervening in Latin American countries; we must not go down that road again.” . Other Representatives have come out against U.S. military intervention in Venezuela.  ..

venezuela: us attack imminent?

But besides the commercial interests, Russia and China vie for a multipolar world and want to guarantee the independence of Latin America, the sovereignty of the peoples of the Americas. . ... The latter case would be a disaster not only for Venezuela, and Latin America, but for..

how to answer trump? make america a socialist country

The U.S. corporate media and the rightwing media in Latin America refuse to cover the massive demonstrations in support of president Nicolas Maduro.And while conditions in Venezuela are dire and the progress of the Bolivarian revolution threatened by U.S. intervention, the working-class and..

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