Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro has rejected ultimatum made by number of European countries that calls for in Latin American state within eight days, amid profound political crisis there.. ... The US, Canada, most Latin American, and many European countries have..…
He said that Israel joins the US, Canada and most Latin American and European countries in recognizing the new leadership.. ..…
Many European, Asian and Latin American countries have their own national development banks, as well as belonging to bilateral or multinational development institutions that are jointly owned by multiple governments. ..…
Venezuela's top commanders have pledged loyalty to Maduro's in the days European Union and many Latin American nations.. ..…
., including European, Latin American, Arab and Iranian have tried to buy influence in the US America for decades... ( Photo by Aaron P. ... By financing candidacies up to the presidency has been routine part of the in, The claim that foreign interests., including European,..…
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