imperialism with a human face

The U.S. backed them as a counterweight to Fidel Castro who had aligned Cuba with Russia in the Cold War struggle for Latin America and the Caribbean. ... Asserting who’s boss in Latin America . Days after the quake, the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation posted an..

the contradictions of human rights organizations

In its 2009 report on Cuba, Human Rights Watch not only reiterated that approach but went a step further and demanded that “before changing its policy, the US should work to secure commitments from the EU, Canada and Latin American allies that they will join together to pressure Cuba to..

the end of the “golden decade”

[through the normalization of relations with Cuba and immigration reform]. ... We have dwelt on Venezuela because it is the country where the change in the direction of the Latin American economy is most dramatically visible, but we should also not lose sight of Cuba. ..

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