what does leader's death mean for islamic state?

Unlike Osama bin Laden and other jihadists who strove to carry out 9/11-style attacks that would capture world attention, al-Baghdadi exhorted followers to do whatever they could with the weapons they had at hand. ... It has been able to replenish its ranks by attracting Sunni Muslims in the Middle..


obama’s cia deputy scolds trump for 'locker room feel' of baghdadi

This vivid of Baghdadi's death frustrated Morell, in interview on Face the Nation that Obama administration went out of its way not to celebrate Osama bin Laden's death to prevent retaliation... That was the one thing we worked hard on after Laden raid, is do not make those kinds of..


Jaclyn Backhaus’s slapdash comedy, at Playwright’s Horizons, travels through time to coax oppressed spouses out of their powerful husband’s shadows. . ..

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