
news analysis: biden could be biggest loser as mueller testimony

Kennedy and Martin Luther King were assassinated. That was the year that Mueller served in Vietnam as a Marine Corps platoon commander and was wounded in action, earning a Bronze Star for valor. . ..

targeting iran

The Saudi ruling elite also saw the Iranian Revolution of 1979 as a mortal threat to its position and power because it overthrew a feudal monarch, was opposed to US dominance of the region and sought inspiration in a vision of Islam rooted in human dignity and social justice.  ..

what is an oligarchy and has the u.s. become one?

Oligarchy — from the ancient Greek word oligoi, meaning few — is a concept that goes back to the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who used it to describe a society governed by a select few wealthy or aristocratic people, as opposed to rule by a single monarch, or a democracy in which the great mass..

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